So in last week's post you may recall me mentioning that every day here was seemingly a 'National something or other day', which got me wondering who on earth thinks these things up? and whether there is a list somewhere? So this week, intrigued, I set about doing some further research on the subject (clearly I have way too much time on my hands) and discovered that not only is there a list, but a whole calendar and there is indeed one (or in most cases several) for every single day of the year, as well as themes for each month! What fun!! Oh soz, think I turned into Miranda's mother for a minute there ...
Many are completely ridiculous of course and caused me to guffaw with hysterical laughter, such as Wave all your fingers at your Neighbor day ... as oppose to what? just the middle one? giving them the usual V sign? and Dump your Significant Jerk day ... must look out for them all hanging out by the recycling bins. Lol. I was particularly gutted to discover I had also missed World Play Your Ukulele Day earlier this month too. Oh no! Don't tell me that passed you by as well? *sighs* Wednesday 10th February must have been a particular depressing day as all there was to look forward to was Umbrella Day and Plimsoll Day. For some reason I have a mental picture of a pair of cheesey grey plimsolls left on the back step, sitting in a sad puddle of rainwater (yes, sometimes it's scary being me ...). On the other hand, the day before looked to be most interesting as it was Extraterrestrial Culture Day ... Whaaaaaa?! Wonder if they got them to run seminars? ... maybe 'A Year on Tattooine' or 'A Day in the Life of a Wookie'? Good grief.
Some are of course food and drink related - frozen yoghurt day, National deviled egg day (yes, really). Some though are designed to raise awareness - World Braille Day, ADD Awareness Day ... what was I talking about? Oh yes... (sorry, couldn't resist), and some have a philanthropic element which despite being for the most part rather cheesey, if only a small percentage of the population observed it would certainly brighten the day for many people - Stop Bullying day, Make a Difference Day and Be Humble Day, for which the founder is ironically listed as 'unknown', LOL.
Anyway, I thought it would be rather fun to see how many of these I could achieve in a week. Want to know how I did? Read on ....
The month of February is apparently ... Library Lovers month, North American Inclusion month, Heart month, Cherry month, Hot Breakfast month, Breast Feeding month ...sorry what?! there's only so far I am prepared to go .... oh wait ... stand down people ... I misread that ... it's actually Bird Feeding month (phew), Bake for Family Fun month.
Phew, well, so far this month I have visited the local library to take back the book Youngest got out for his Science project ... tick. (In case you were wondering it was "In the Kingdom of Ice: The Grand and Terrible Polar Voyage of the USS Jeanette" from which the most interesting fact apparently relates to the origin of that good old British exclamation "Gordon Bennett!" *tuts and rolls eyes*). We have filled up the hummingbird feeder in the garden (that was a royal 'we' obviously ... ahem ... Thanks Mr B!) ... tick. I have eaten several hot breakfasts at our regular Sunday brunch venue ... tick and baked a gigantic carrot cake which Mr B had great fun eating ... tick. Well, this all seems straightforward enough. Now on to this week ...
Sunday 21st
Single Task Day - "Research has shown that multitasking is really inefficient.... dilutes focus, introduces delays and makes things take longer to complete ... Make a list in order of priority ... One task at a time ... ignore everything else until you finish it." Well that's bobbins for a start! Clearly written by a man. That may well be true for them but everybody knows that we women are brilliant at multitasking and ...oh crap! ..... Sorry, dinner was burning ...
Sticky Bun Day - "another Cinnamon roll?" ... Oh go on then, after all it is in the interest of research.
International Mother Language Day - in the words of Nelson Mandela "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart." Yes quite. Good job I am multilingual .... being fluent in both 'Barlow' (otherwise we would never be able to work out what he was on about ... ticket boo) and 'Bullsh*t' (handy for most other males I meet these days ...)
Mon 22nd:
World Thinking Day - originated from Girl Guides/Girl Scouts idea. Each year a country is selected and they learn about it's culture and general living conditions as well as each giving a 1p donation in support of projects that aid their fellow Guides/Scouts from member countries in need. Ahhh, what a lovely idea. I like this one.
Be Humble Day - CS Lewis once said " True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less." A perfect quote for Be Humble day. Anyway ... back to me
National Cook a Sweet Potato Day - sorry what? Well clearly that's not happening ... bleugh!
Walking the Dog Day - sadly not applicable ...phew
National Margarita Day - now that's more like it. Cheers! *hic*
Tue 23rd:
International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day (I kid you not) - Ethan and I sat and looked at this dog biscuit for 2 hours, marvelling at its majestic beauty and discussing the merits of bone shaped versus square biscuits ... etc. etc.

Play Tennis Day - obviously that was a non starter
Curling is Cool Day - ditto ... but seriously?
Banana Bread Day - now this one I would have happily joined in with but we didn't have any bananas and I couldn't go out because the cleaners were coming .... anyway, first world problems and all that ... moving on
Wed 24th:
Inconvenience Yourself Day - well, Mr B was away again this week so I had to do dishes AND make my own coffee which was pretty damn inconvenient, I can tell you.
Tortilla Chip Day - that's pretty much every day in this house. Well what else are we going to eat with our margaritas?
Thu 25th:
Chili Day - kaboom! (maybe a tad less chilli next time)
Chocolate Covered Peanuts Day - nailed it like a boss
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day - don't anyone dare even try ...
Clam Chowder Day - more like clam chunder. Ugh!
Fri 26th:
For Pete's Sake Day - apparently you are to substitute an offensive word or phrase with something 'more acceptable in society'. Lol! I said 'for Pete's sake!" a lot today ...
Personal Chef Day - out for our usual Friday night happy hour and dinner so the 'Chez Barlow' personal chef got the night off.
Pistachio Day - ice cream ... one of my favorites!
Sat 27th:
Strawberry Day - not sure why they have picked a date in February for National strawberry day but still ... luckily for us here in Arizona they are already in abundance. Yum!
Kahlua Day - oh damn ... we're right out of that
World Sword Swallowers Day - Ethan "don't tell Phil that ..." his nickname for his Dad, aka Phil Dunphy from Modern Family "... or it will be National Funeral Day"
Polar Bear Day - this is Snowy, Ethan's beloved polar bear who was bought as a christmas present by a friend for 'the bump' 3 months before he was born (Kath, would you still recognize him?!) and has been by his side ever since but sadly is now looking a little worse for wear :( He still comes on every holiday to this day (although he now stays carefully secreted at the bottom of his rucksack).

and finally, my particular favorite ...
Open That Bottle Night - don't think you even need to ask whether I managed this one ...
Well, what a fun week and I did actually learn a thing or two into the bargain. If you want to check some of these out for yourself and find out what's in store for next month ... oh hello ... it's only Craft Month! Get in! I have included a link to the website here ...
(Apparently March is also Cheerleader Safety Month, so go careful out there girls!)
Bev x