Saturday, 20 August 2016

Hello .... it's me!

Hello there Peeps!

Here at Barlow Towers I am busy getting a head start on this evening's dinner as our friend Krishna is coming over to join us.  He and I worked together at Amex a few years ago, (oh ... just worked out that it was actually NINE years ago ... Wow!) he in New Delhi and I in Burgess Hill.  We have always kept in touch but never in a million years did I ever think we would both end up living in Phoenix!  How funny is that?  Anyway, that of course means that we are now able to catch up in person instead of virtually, which is lovely.  

This past week I was also able to tick off an item from my bucket list - to see Adele sing live! Again, never thought that that would be in Phoenix of all places, but it probably worked in our favor as I know that some of my friends tried unsuccessfully for days to get through for tickets for her UK tour.  We managed to get tickets way back last year as soon as the dates were announced by using the Amex Platinum concierge service - a very under utilized but fanulous service if you ask me.  This is not an employee perk, but one of the benefits available to any Amex platinum cardholder.  We just called a couple of days ahead of tickets being released, gave them the price we were prepared to go up to and let them do the rest.  Result!  

Again I think fate played a hand here, as we had specified that we were happy to go on either of the two nights Adele was scheduled to perform here.  Sadly for so many disappointed fans, she had to cancel the second night's performance due to sickness (apparently she had been fighting off a cold for a few days which got the better of her after the previous night's performance ) and whilst this has now been rescheduled for a date in November, we wouldn't have been able to go as we have already booked a week away for Thanksgiving week.  So luck was on our side once again.  All I can say is if that's what she sounds like when she is fighting off a cold, I can't imagine what she sounds like in peak health!  She was PHENOMENAL!  (why do I always picture Muppets whenever I hear that word and want to follow with "Doo doo be doo doo ..."?)

It even rained!

I was sat next to a lady who reminded me of Roseanne Barr and was equally as funny.  She told me she had been a divorce lawyer for the past 31 years and was also now a judge in the divorce courts, adding "it's amazing the power you get from a polyester robe and a plastic gavel..." LOL.  She continued to keep me entertained as we waited for the show to begin and participated in a spot of the obligatory people watching.  And boy did we see some sights!  We tittered at the continuous stream of women who tottered past unable to walk in their skyscraper heels and those that had clearly forgotten to get dressed before they left home.  She also had me in hysterics when Mr B leaned over to introduce himself and she looked back at me with a deadpan face and said "I'll give you my card.  When you call just sing 'Hello ... it's me ..' and I'll remember who you from Adele".  I don't know if she is a good divorce lawyer but she would have made a great stand up comedian - she was hilarious! 

Last night was the first school PTO event of the year - a parents Mix & Mingle - which in the event was a really fun evening and whilst not a huge numbers of parents turned out, there was a good mix of both parents and teachers which was nice.  It was soooo hot though!  The event was held at a local bar & restaurant and we had exclusive use of their patio area.  Although it was covered and the misters were all on, it was still 108 degrees out ....  even my eyeballs were sweating!

After chatting to the new High School principal for a while who has just moved from an International school in Turkey, I left him talking to Mr B about Manchester United and Brexit and joined a group of Mums at a nearby table, halfway through their conversation where they were sharing where they were from and previous experiences at other International schools.  One lady, who sounded distinctly Eastern European to me, was saying she had lived in Germany, Prague and then Turkey.  "Oh ..!" I said.  "You should talk to the new Head.  He's just moved from Turkey!"  
"I know" she said.  "He's my husband..."!
Ah.  Should have seen that coming.  And it turns out she's from Canada.

Anyway, better get off and get the cocktail bar ready (don't think Krishna drinks much, but I can always have his) but before I do, thought I would share another quick drink recipe as many of you seemed to like the Frozen Pineapple Margarita I shared in this post

This one which I found on Pinterest was shared by another blogger on and is equally delicious ... 

Frozen Cherry Cosmos

Frozen Cherry Cosmos


  • 2 cups cranberry juice ice cubes *see note below
  • 1 cup regular ice cubes
  • 1/2 cup tart cherry juice *I found this in the supermarket on the shelf with other juices - not fridge
  • 1/2 cup vodka
  • 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1/4 cup Grand Marnier liqueur (or Cointreau if you have that instead)
  • fresh cherries for garnish
  • lime slices for garnish


*You need to do a bit of prep in advance of making this drink (at least the day before).  Make the cranberry juice ice cubes by simply pouring cranberry juice cocktail into ice mounds and chucking them in your freezer (well, don't actually chuck 'em in or you will have a sticky red mess).   You need enough to get about 2 cups of ice.  You can obviously do this bit way in advance - I made a load and transferred them to a freezer bag so that they are sitting there ready when I need them :)
To make the cosmos, simply blend the cranberry ice cubes, regular ice, tart cherry juice, vodka, lime juice and Grand Marnier together in a blender until it's slushie-like.
Pour into glasses and garnish with cherries and limes.  Bam!
Let me know what you think if you decide to give this a try.
See you all next time
Bev x

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Trouble in Target ... !

Hi folks ... blimey, where does the time go?

It was 'back to school week' here in Arizona and so we are back to the 6am alarm calls, making packed lunches and early morning traffic ... ugh.  I think Ethan was ready to go back though (after being stuck at home with his mother for the last 12 weeks who can blame him) and excited to be finally starting High School after discovering when we moved last year that the school system was different and he still had another year of Middle School to do.  Not sure whether he was still quite as excited when he got home after the first day after an overview of each of the subjects on his schedule and discovering that Maths is a year of Geometry, History will focus largely on American Politics and English (ironically his least favorite subject **snort**) this year is 'American Literature' and their first book is The Great Gatsby.  LOL.  Apparently amongst the other books on the list, (which obviously includes To Kill a Mockingbird ... or To kill a Mockingjay as Mr B thinks it's called **rolls eyes**) is an American play adaptation of Ann Frank's Diary ... can't wait for that!

Of course, moody teen has also reached the age where he would rather eat his left arm than be seen out shopping with his parents at the weekend (an option I would also have chosen when I was 14 given the choice so suppose I don't really blame him).  And let's face it, as this morning's shopping expedition was a fairly typical example for Mr B and I, who could blame him? 

"We're just popping out to Target for a few bits and bobs ... do you want to come?"
"Er .... durr!  I'd rather eat my left arm!"  See?

Now, don't ask me why but now that we have this newfound freedom and get to venture out on our own again occasionally after 14 years of having to be responsible parents and 'setting a good example' (well, trying anyway), we seem to turn into a couple of giddy teenagers the minute we step out of the front door.  

This morning, we were headed to Target to pick up a few items.  (Btw, the last time we went to Target together, this happened ...)

Ahem ...   

Today, I needed a new hairbrush and a couple of ingredients for tonight's dinner (Beef Strogonoff in case you were wondering).  Within two minutes Mr B (read B for Bumble) could be found in the electronics aisle trying on some noise cancelling headphones (not on the list) and turning up the volume so high that the adjacent pair of headphones which, unbeknown to him were also connected to the same music source, began blaring 'Cake by the Ocean' at 100 decibels to the entire technology section.  As if this wasn't bad enough,  he then began shouting at the top of his voice  
"THESE ARE GOOD .... HAVE A LISTEN ... GO ON ...!" at the top of his voice whilst simultaneously doing his best Dad dancing impression as scores of terrified shoppers ran for cover.  Oh good Lord.  
Next, Sonos speakers (also not on the list).  
"I wonder how loud these go ... ?"  
After a withering look from the clearly not amused sales assistant who suddenly appeared at his side asking through clenched teeth ...
"Is there something I can help you with Sir?" I hastily dragged him away, focusing our attention back to the list.  Right.  Hairbrush ... After determining they didn't have the one I wanted, despite the gazillion others on the shelf, but having to check every one just to make sure, Mr B, clearly bored, wandered off again on his own (never a good idea).  I discovered him in the sun cream aisle (not on the list either).  "Do we need any more sun cream?"
"No.  We've got loads"
"Oh.  I like this one though ..." taking a large bottle of lotion of the shelf and then promptly dropping it from a great height onto the tiled floor where it promptly exploded, leaving thick white sun cream splattered across the majority of aisle 10 ...
As (thankfully) nobody was around to witness UV-gate, we cleaned up as best we could and quickly moved on clutching our sides with laughter and with tears rolling down our cheeks.

Oh look, the moisturizer aisle ... I had recently read an article which said that body creams and lotions actually made you hotter in warm weather as they trap in the moisture and stop your body cooling itself down.  Makes sense, I thought.  It advised using a spray or gel moisturizer,  which I had never really noticed, so I wanted to have a look to see if they stocked any as it is so dry here you can't survive without a good moisturizer but within 5 minutes of applying it I usually feel like I am going to spontaneously combust!  Ah yes, here's one.  I picked up a bottle which clearly contained a gel.  As I smeared a generous dollop onto my arm, I squinted at the label (as I didn't have my glasses on) ... 'Gel moisturizer with ... oil ...!'  Ewwww!  It had the consistency of melted lard and despite constant rubbing, it just wouldnt sink in, leaving a shiny oil slick down one arm.  This set us off giggling again, as I leant on the handle of the trolley and promptly slid off the end. LOL.  Time to grab what we needed and get out quick, as I think we've caused enough mayhem for one day.

Just time for a quick visit to Menchies for a frozen yoghurt before we headed back home.

"We're back!"
"Oh ok.  Did I miss anything?"
"Noooooo.  You'd have been bored ..."
"Thought so ..."

Although it is still over 100 degrees every day here, the sun is gradually sinking lower in the sky and there is a perceptible change signaling that Autumn (I'm still holding out from calling it Fall for as long as I can) will be on it's way before too long.  Not that that means hats, scarves and coats for us by any means, but hopefully nice sunny days which don't feel quite like walking out into a furnace (80s would be nice) and slightly cooler nights, however, I think we are still a month or two away from that yet sadly.
All the stores here though are having their 'end of summer' sales and the Fall Decor (dammit, failed already) is appearing, which I think is my favorite, along with all the Halloween stuff.  

Having now got the house to myself during the day once again, I can get started on all those craft projects which I have on my list to try.  Door wreaths are very popular here, for every season, and I have been wanting to have a go at making one from deco mesh, which I havent used before, so I think that will be the first on my list.  Something like this maybe ...?

Once again, Pinterest is my best friend.  Will show you the end result when I've finished, (although mine will probably look nothing like that, LOL)

Thanks for stopping by, have a great week and hope to see you again next time ...
Bev x