Saturday, 25 June 2016

A fishy tale ... !

Hi folks!

How is everybody feeling? Gutted?  Me too.  I have seen a lot of anger, despair and anxiety out there in social media land post the BREXIT decision.  I even heard that some were calling for another referendum as the result was so close.  Now, don't get me wrong ... whilst it was my wish to stay with our EU family, and I am therefore very disappointed and saddened by the result ... we can't choose to live in a democracy and then when things don't go our way demand that we do it over in the hope that we can then influence people's decision in our favour (unless of course there is evidence of foul play, counting errors etc.).    So I guess there is little choice now, but to accept and move on.  [Personally though, I think a decision of this magnitude was not something that should have been decided solely on a public vote.  I for one, certainly did not feel that I had all the necessary knowledge or experience on this critical issue to influence such a HUGE change #justsaying ]

Throughout the course of my Corporate life, I attended many Change Management courses (and even delivered some) and if there was just one thing that I took away from each of those it was always the same -  'control the controllables and don't worry about the rest' - meaning just focus on what is within your power to control and change and don't waste your time and energy worrying about things which you have no influence over.  Wise words which I always tried to apply during times of uncertainty in both my professional and personal life.   Am I furious about the decision to break up with our EU friends?  Yes.  Can I do anything about it?  No.  Am I mad as hell that if I need to transfer some money from my UK account today it will now be worth a lot less than it was this time last week?  Yes!  Can I do anything about it?  No!  What is within my control though is how I choose to deal with it.  I have had a tantrum.  I have sworn (a lot .... I seem to recall the word 'fu**wits' featured heavily) and stamped my feet,  but now for my own sanity I need to accept and move on. There is absolutely no point worrying myself to death or disappearing into the depths of despair over it as it will make not one jot of difference.  So ... hey ho ... I woke up this morning and I was breathing, therefore today is a good day!

Continuing with the fishy theme ... Gutted ...?  No? ... OK ... Ethan and I managed to tick another movie off our Summer Bucket list this week - Finding Dory - which we gave a 8/10.  If you haven't seen it yet and are a Disney fan, I would definitely recommend.  Ellen Degeneres is fab as the voice of Dory and for me an added bonus of both 'Jay Pritchard' and 'Phil Dunphy' from Modern Family as Hank the octopus and Bailey the beluga whale.  The sea lions are also very amusing (and bizarrely have cockney accents or some reason). Disney at it's best!  I think Ethan was initially a bit concerned that it might ruin his street cred if he was seen entering the cinema to see a 'kid's film' (especially with his Mum!) but he needn't have worried - it was almost empty!   We decided to try out the new Harkins Cinema that has relatively recently opened in Scottsdale's Fashion Square Mall.  All I can say is WOW!!   Obviously everything is brand new but there is also a really nice lounge with an indoor/outdoor rooftop terrace  with comfy sofas (a bit hot for us last week at 115º) where you can purchase a nice cocktail or glass of vino to sip whilst you are watching the movie if you like (how civilized), plus a cafe with snacks and desserts that actually nice looked appetizing - certainly an improvement on the usual cinema offerings of cardboard containers of nachos topped with slimy runny cheese or anemic looking hot dogs!  When we got into the theatre itself we were even more impressed.  Large comfy leather seats with at least 3 feet (if not more) in-between the rows so no more of that sideways shuffle you usually have to do to get past people if you need to get out!  As we sat down and were waiting for the trailers to start (our favorite bit quite frankly!), Ethan noticed a button on the side of the chair, which when pressed turned the chair into a luxury recliner with an equally comfy padded leg rest appearing from underneath!  Result!  Of course, it is more expensive than where we usually go, but not by that much given the difference in movie-going experience ($14 as opposed to $10), so we will definitely be returning there to tick the next one off our list - which will more than likely be in the next few days as the boys are settling down to watch Independence Day as I write this, in preparation for the sequel -  Independence Day - Resurgence which has just been released!  Will give you our opinion of that one next time.

Have a good week ... and let's all try to get along!

Bev x

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