Hello friends - how are you? Got all that Christmas shopping done yet?
This week, I went with some of the ladies from Newcomers on a day trip to Prescott to do a spot of Christmas shopping and of course some eating ... and drinking. Actually it turned out to be mostly eating and drinking as the sum total of my purchases consisted of a large bag of chocolate caramel popcorn and a vintage Christmas ornament!
This week, I went with some of the ladies from Newcomers on a day trip to Prescott to do a spot of Christmas shopping and of course some eating ... and drinking. Actually it turned out to be mostly eating and drinking as the sum total of my purchases consisted of a large bag of chocolate caramel popcorn and a vintage Christmas ornament!
We started our day with lunch at The Palace Restaurant & Saloon on Whiskey Row which claims to be the oldest frontier saloon in Arizona and frequented by Wyatt & Virgil Earp and Doc Holliday in the late 1870s. I also tried Root Beer for the first time. It tasted a bit like the Dandelion & Burdock we used to have when I was a kid, with a bit of a licorice aftertaste. (we were only allowed 'pop' on special occasions as it was considered a luxury back then, which seems hilarious now when I see it being served like water here, even with breakfast!). It was slightly odd and not sure I'll be having it again to be honest. Think I'll just stick with tequila!
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It was a really fun day with lots of laughter, notably at the expense of the local candle shop! Kelly and I, whilst meandering our way towards the next bar meet up **ahem**, thought we would just pop in for a quick butchers (oh sorry, for my American readers that's another Cockney rhyming slang derivative ... butcher's hook = look). As we had both admitted to being die hard Yankee Candle fans we weren't expecting to be easily converted but we weren't quite prepared for the odd whiff that greeted us as we walked in. We immediately looked at each other wrinkling our noses.
"Hi Ladies! Welcome in!" trilled the over enthusiastic shop assistant (who looked about 12). "Have you been to our candle shop before?"
"Er ... no" we responded as we passed each other a look that clearly said we wouldn't be coming again either. As Kelly rightly remarked, usually when you walked into a scented candle shop your senses would be bombarded with all kinds of slightly overpowering scents ... cinnamon, lavender, rose etc. This was more ... how shall I describe it ...
"Wax crayons!"
Thank you Kelly ... that was exactly it! That set us off giggling like a couple of naughty school girls. The shop assistant, who was clearly struggling to meet her sales targets for the day as the shop was empty apart from the two of us - can't think why **raises eyebrow sarcastically**, continued,
"All our candles are made from pure essential oils and beeswax..." Well, I'm not sure where the essential oils were from as we couldn't smell anything vaguely pleasant. Oil or Olive perhaps? Or maybe Vegetable?
"Turn the candles over and smell the bottom ...". she continued
Kelly and I now standing by a display of drab looking candles each picked one up and turned it over, and cautiously sniffed as instructed.
"What does yours smell like?" Kelly asked as barely managing to stifle a giggle
"Brown crayon. How about yours?"
"Blue crayon"
Well that did it. We could hold back no longer and as we howled with laughter we stole a glance at said shop assistant. Not even a hint of a smile as she glared at us stony faced. As we edged our way to the door ... I literally had tears rolling down my face ... Kelly made a desperate attempt to explain our mirth, but sour-faced Sally at the till wasn't having any of it and continued to look like she had several slices of lemon stuffed in her mouth.
Finally, just as our escape route was in reach, we spotted the display of dog shaped candles. Uh-oh. I can honestly say that that was the first time I have ever sniffed a dog's bottom in public, which funnily enough smelled like ... a dog shaped wax crayon! Hilarious.
We needed a drink after that and made our way back to Whiskey Row to meet some of the others for a much deserved Margarita at the Jersey Lilly Saloon (I know it should have been Whiskey but I can't stand the stuff)
We needed a drink after that and made our way back to Whiskey Row to meet some of the others for a much deserved Margarita at the Jersey Lilly Saloon (I know it should have been Whiskey but I can't stand the stuff)
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It's 5 o'clock somewhere ... Cheers! |
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On Monday I will be celebrating my 55th birthday (a fact which Ethan is finding hilarious as here in Arizona most of the supermarkets and some other stores also offer a 'Senior's discount' at 55 ... bloody cheek!) and so we started a weekend of celebrations last night with the first of Mr B's organized activities, tickets for Mamma Mia - the Musical at ASU Gammage in Phoenix. Whilst admittedly, Abba were an extremely popular and talented group in their day, they were never really my cup of tea. I was always more of a Blondie, T Rex and U2 fan myself. Oh but wait ... aren't they one of Mr B's favorites?! Yes. Yes they are. Hmmmmm .....
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Mamma Mia indeed! |
Well, there is another treat in store today apparently, so had better get my skates on as we are leaving in precisely 4 minutes I have been informed ....
Hope you all have a great week and look forward to seeing you again next time
Bev x
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